Thursday, May 8, 2008

lets get eXistenZ!


The first thing that comes to mind after viewing this film. the second thing is... EWWWWW NASTY!! This sci-fi sickingly biological film really twists and turns your mind, pretty much freaked me out and i never want to play another video game again!! this movie was bassed around the story of the number 1 game creator in the world Allegra Geller (Jenifer Jason leigh). whilst that sounds all very well in good, its the way that the game is introduced. these are not your typical video games with a console, controler and computer or tv screen, oh no no no no no! this is a biological living organism which has a game programed within it! whislt that sounds gross thats not the worst part! that bit comes next, the controller of this game is well more familiar to you than you would think... ITS YOU! EWWW. BIO PORTS??? WHAT IS THIS WORLD COMING TO! a lil hole inserted into you spinal cord... deeply deeply disturbing much?
although i have no complaints with the male lead. Mr Jude Law, thanks mr stockwell for the two hours of eye candy! smiles all around over here!

The story begins with a select group of people triling Allegra's new game, eXistenZ. 7 lucky people form the audience were chosen, and as this apparently exciting thing is beginging (exciting for the lil game nerds not for me) another man walks through the door hopeing to experience this new and exciting level of virutal reality. goes through our No#1 security man, Mr Jude Law gets the all clear and sits in the front row watching in amazment. hold your upchuck reflex here kids, this bit gets ugly! as the "gamers" plug the living organism which also happens to be a game console into their own bodies (EWWWWW) The guy who just walked in pulls out the ugliest gun i have ever seen out of his own game console! EWWWW and it gets worse. he just screams DEATH TO THE GAME(something something) DEATH TO ALLEGRA GELLER! and shoots this chick. that kid then gets shot down, jude law grabs allegra and the gun and runs. (This gun by the way got through security becuase it was made of human parts, bones that is, with teeth for the bullets!...EWW)

On the run, they stop at a gas station, ruin jude laws rather good looking back by inserting a "bio-port" by the aparent freindly gas station attendent. then that kid try's to kill this allegra chick and so on and so on. she servives, he dies bla bla. lol gettin to the point of the film. When Allegra and Jude Law's character Ted Pikul finally first experience her game, all i can say is intense. was kind of on the edge of my seat just becuase i wanted to know what happened next! gross points here was Ted licking Allegra's bio-port....EWWW, eating these mutated anphibians and creating a gun out of their bones and shooting a chinese resteraunt waiter because he was the enemy, working on a production line with said anphibians, and then apparently waking up for the game.

After the ring around of playing the game or are we still playing the game, not only did the characters but i did also got lost in this alternate reality. Towards the end i did not know whether or not they were still in a game or real life. it apears in the final scene that Ted and Allegra where themselves game testers for a differant game, and in this game the characters that the played were programed to them. you can understand how i got lost. its pretty much like a game within a game within a game within a game and so on. at the end, i didnt even know what was what.

This film was an eye opener, i mean all these games, suporting alternate realities it shows how they can mess with peoples heads. Mind you (THANK GOD) that our technology is not as sick as that in eXistenZ, and we have not (And hopefully never will) create a biological game. Im quite happy with my playstation and my x-box (event though i dont play them anymore except for the occasional eye toy, sing star, or crash bandicoot.) It does pose the question, with society and technology today, can we get lost in the game? physically, mentally, spiritually be absorbed into an alternate world? i can understand why people play games like second life and so on. Creating a person you believe is beter than yourself is rather idea. but its no all you are. Im begining to think this topic will be the basis for my essay. so i think i shall leave it here for now so that my essay will still be some what of an ooooo and an ahhh for you to read.

untill next time bloggers, fish are friends not food!


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