Thursday, May 22, 2008

Downloading = A-O-K

This week’s lecture could not have come at a better time as not 3 hours before I arrived at this week’s festivities was I downloading the recently aired final episode of Gossip Girl season 1. (omg I love this show!!! all should watch...eeek) nehoo aside from my slight girly spat, there was another occurring in front of the lecture hall, suggesting that what I had just done is considered wrong, and that I was stealing my weekly Blake lively fix? Jaw’s music began to run through my head. but never fear, a discussion became heated and the ins and outs of the rights and wrongs of downloading (music, movies, etc) was explored for the entirety of the two hour period.

with the announcement of this discussion I was immediately disheartened by the prospect that what I was doing was wrong, however my frown was turned upside down as the discussion progressed onward like the Romans trying to infiltrate troy in that ill wooden horse.
The main points discussed included, could downloading really be considered stealing? This made me reflect upon an interesting/traumatising warning advertisement much like the would you steal a TV? Adds that occur before you watch a movie. However this one had a slight twist, it exclaimed that 'if you download DVDs you are supporting terrorism'! Wow Osama Bin Laden is up in his cave, uploading gossip girl and juno to his laptop and getting the kids from all over the world to fall beneath his evil plot, it’s because I download music that 9/11 happened and why my best friends dad is over in Afghanistan fighting a stupid war. DUMB DUMB DUMB DUMB DUMB!!!

However having said that, the new one which they put before Australian films now really couldn’t be more from the truth. If you are well informed on the Australian film industry you will know that it is basically down the toilet. Our great film makers know that if they stay here to pursue a career in their craft that they will ultimately plummet into eating 2 minute noodles in the shed of their parent’s house. Baz Luhrman, classic example, however looks where the kid is now. He is HUGE!! An Australian film is lucky to make and type of profit within the cinema, sometimes they can rake it back in with DVD release but it’s still rather sad. So in some respect, if kids are downloading Australian films, it really is dragging down an entire industry!

Ok so there are some pros and some cons for downloading. But morally, is it correct to download? A main point in the lecture was that we all pay for a download in some way, with internet fee's, download sites have pay by the month to use their services are all ways in which we are put out of pocket for downloading from the net. if you can remember slightly far back to a song called 'download this song' by MC Lars, who released a song that shared why we do download 'hey mr record man the jokes on you running your label like it was 1992, hey mr record man your system can’t compete, it’s the new artist model, file transfer complete'.

So my personal feeling about downloading is much the same as Nike, JUST DO IT! Downloading cannot possibly be considered a crime, how many people have you heard about in the news arrested for downloading? How many people have you heard of being charged with downloading? It’s so crazy! in my opinion, I am quite happy to every week, upload my weekly dose of gossip girl to watch juno cause it’s not out on DVD yet, to see forgetting Sarah marshal cause I missed it at the movies, to download Justin Timberlake’s or cute is what we aim for's new song because I already know that they are famous so what is the point exactly of them loosing 4 dollars out of their millions and billions...ITS DUMB! DOWNLOADING IS A-O-K........

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