Thursday, May 29, 2008

The Pros and Cons of Virtual Reality: Welcome to the (New) Real World.

New Communication Technologies
Caitlyn Sheehan

The Pros and Cons of Virtual Reality: Welcome to the (New) Real World”

The introduction of virtual realities within our society has indeed shaped the form of communication and technology to date. Within these realities, people can escape the world surrounding them and enter an idealistic world (utopia) as the type of person they see themselves to be. This escape from the ‘real world’ to an idealistic virtual world can have an impact upon the persons psyche, their social skills, self esteem, motor skills and general personality in both positive and negative ways. That being said, it is important to identify the pros and cons of these virtual realities and sum up their values. Are virtual realities problematic within society or do they benefit us in some way? To answer this question an exploration of the kinds of virtual realities most popular within society is needed. Identifying the kinds of people who use these technologies and for what reasons they feel best suit their needs of a virtual world.

In societies where modern conditions of production prevail, all of life presents itself as an immersive accumulation of spectacles. Everything that was directly lived has moved away into a representation. Guy Debord

Virtual Realities (VR) are electronically simulated environments. Through macroscopic and microscopic visualisation, fast and slow time simulation, high levels of interactivity, senses of immersion and inherent flexibility and adaptability, these realities can be entered and used (advisory group of computer graphics 1999). A Mecklers conference in 1993 discussed VR stating “Definitions and technologies vary and often generate debates. Most professionals in the field agree that virtual reality is a way of enabling users to participate directly in real-time, 3D environments generated by computers” (Mecklers 1993).

When discussing the revelation of the new technology known as VR, pioneering steps have been taken to make the technology more accessible to the public in a recreational and business way. Such games as ‘Second Life’, ‘War Craft’, ‘Habbo Hotel’, ‘There’, ‘Entropia Universe’ and ‘IMVU’ are easily accessed VR’s that are used via the internet. Within these realities players can manipulate there 3D visual appearance, communicate with other players, buy and sell virtual goods for hard currency, and live out virtual lives which they can create. Freedom within these worlds is vast, and the only common restriction is the purchasing of virtual goods to get further in the game. Morten Soby (Heiss, 2006) compared VR to ‘Alice in through the looking glass stepped through a mirror, s can we now enter through a computer screen to a virtual world. Even it we find our way back again, the point of departure will never be the same’ (Soby 1993). Soby was pointing out that this escape to a virtual ideal world is extremely appealing and that the way in which the societies operate is vastly changing and improving.

The idea that one can interpret themselves in any way, shape or form within a VR is a part of the attraction to virtual worlds. Once this ideal self is created, VR users may also personalise the environment in which they spend their virtual time, creating a form of ‘utopia’ for the user. It would be ideal if these virtual realities were without complications however this isn’t so. Unfortunately some users of VR and their idea of a ‘utopia’ is not generally excepted by society. Recent issues have arisen with users in second life. Young female avatars have been used as sexual objects for older men and exploitation of child pornography and prostitution is present. This disturbing development is among one of the complications within the VR.

Through use of these virtual images, users of VR can become physiologically the type of person they wish to be. A virtual space gives opportunity to those within to interact with people and situation which they would not normally participate in the real world. VR is vastly becoming a common meeting place for people to discover others like themselves and this form of communication is easily accessed. Communication with between VR users is appealing on the basis of no judgement, and freedom of speech and expression. Social networks can be created and VR can become a much more preferred society than reality. However much like the way avatars are being exploited within second life, VR users can be manipulated, exploited and targeted through harmful slander and inappropriate conversation.

VR’s are now a hot spot for the business world with people making millions from these technologies. Not only in the software, but advertising and the games themselves is using hard currency as a form of trade. It is this issue that has also attracted legal attention towards virtual assets. The question has been asked that if crimes related to currency and theft can be truly considered crimes as they are virtual, and these virtual worlds are generally free from law. Anshe Chung has used virtual real estate and other purchases within Second Life to accumulate a over one million US dollars. The expansion of business within virtual worlds is rapid and recognition of this new form of trade needs to be better recognised within business society.

The question is posed, should it be right to persecute in a virtual world when the act in question is itself virtual? This debate is still ongoing and without conclusion. Not only the manipulation of VR users emotionally or morally but also financially. Greg Lastowka a professor at Rutgers Camden Law School is pioneering to pass laws concerning virtual worlds. He states, “twenty years ago, science fiction writers imagined international community’s forming within simulated online spaces. That future has arrived. Both law and society will need to adapt to this new environment” (Lastowka 2008).

Virtual reality technology is not only being used for recreational, communication and business purposes. Within the past 10 years, there has been pioneering efforts to create virtual simulations of medical procedures. This breakthrough in medical training has been extremely successful compared to the traditional forms of training for medical procedures. One study showed that the “MIST® VR system, which uses abstract representations of laparoscopic skills to train the fundamental psychomotor skills needed to performs the procedures. Their results showed that residents who trained on the simulator were able to perform a gall bladder removal on actual patients in 29% less time and were five times less likely to injure the gall bladder of bur non target tissue that were residents trained according to the traditional method” (Scerbo 2005). Not only has the medical profession been benefiting from these technologies, but also the patients. A new form of non-drug related relief has been found in virtual realities. Young burn victims at the University of Maywood have now been introduced to a new program called ‘SnowWorld’ which is “an interactive virtual reality video game”. Such simulations include snowflakes, igloos, snow men, penguins and frozen lakes. The technology is used to help relieve patients from pain and also anxiety. Similar relief has also been created for paediatric cancer patients. VR may be the future of medical research, cure, and training and has proven itself to be successful so far.

When summing up both the benefits and disadvantages of these virtual realities it is important to understand both sides of the playing field. Whilst these pros and cons are vast and rather unexplored, there is a common equilibrium between the two where it is recognisable that VR like any other form of communication has it downfalls and triumphs. Between pioneering research, communication, artistic expression, personal and social developmental skills, cyber law, misrepresentations, and false identity; either you approve of VR or you don’t. The co-founder of VR Joron Lanier states that “What I envision is not so much a pre-programmed virtual world that you might play as a game, but rather a virtual world that you can change from the inside that people use as a form of expression in which they’re creating things together” (Lanier 2003). VR will only continue to thrive through technological expansion, the choice to accept it is yours.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Downloading = A-O-K

This week’s lecture could not have come at a better time as not 3 hours before I arrived at this week’s festivities was I downloading the recently aired final episode of Gossip Girl season 1. (omg I love this show!!! all should watch...eeek) nehoo aside from my slight girly spat, there was another occurring in front of the lecture hall, suggesting that what I had just done is considered wrong, and that I was stealing my weekly Blake lively fix? Jaw’s music began to run through my head. but never fear, a discussion became heated and the ins and outs of the rights and wrongs of downloading (music, movies, etc) was explored for the entirety of the two hour period.

with the announcement of this discussion I was immediately disheartened by the prospect that what I was doing was wrong, however my frown was turned upside down as the discussion progressed onward like the Romans trying to infiltrate troy in that ill wooden horse.
The main points discussed included, could downloading really be considered stealing? This made me reflect upon an interesting/traumatising warning advertisement much like the would you steal a TV? Adds that occur before you watch a movie. However this one had a slight twist, it exclaimed that 'if you download DVDs you are supporting terrorism'! Wow Osama Bin Laden is up in his cave, uploading gossip girl and juno to his laptop and getting the kids from all over the world to fall beneath his evil plot, it’s because I download music that 9/11 happened and why my best friends dad is over in Afghanistan fighting a stupid war. DUMB DUMB DUMB DUMB DUMB!!!

However having said that, the new one which they put before Australian films now really couldn’t be more from the truth. If you are well informed on the Australian film industry you will know that it is basically down the toilet. Our great film makers know that if they stay here to pursue a career in their craft that they will ultimately plummet into eating 2 minute noodles in the shed of their parent’s house. Baz Luhrman, classic example, however looks where the kid is now. He is HUGE!! An Australian film is lucky to make and type of profit within the cinema, sometimes they can rake it back in with DVD release but it’s still rather sad. So in some respect, if kids are downloading Australian films, it really is dragging down an entire industry!

Ok so there are some pros and some cons for downloading. But morally, is it correct to download? A main point in the lecture was that we all pay for a download in some way, with internet fee's, download sites have pay by the month to use their services are all ways in which we are put out of pocket for downloading from the net. if you can remember slightly far back to a song called 'download this song' by MC Lars, who released a song that shared why we do download 'hey mr record man the jokes on you running your label like it was 1992, hey mr record man your system can’t compete, it’s the new artist model, file transfer complete'.

So my personal feeling about downloading is much the same as Nike, JUST DO IT! Downloading cannot possibly be considered a crime, how many people have you heard about in the news arrested for downloading? How many people have you heard of being charged with downloading? It’s so crazy! in my opinion, I am quite happy to every week, upload my weekly dose of gossip girl to watch juno cause it’s not out on DVD yet, to see forgetting Sarah marshal cause I missed it at the movies, to download Justin Timberlake’s or cute is what we aim for's new song because I already know that they are famous so what is the point exactly of them loosing 4 dollars out of their millions and billions...ITS DUMB! DOWNLOADING IS A-O-K........

Thursday, May 8, 2008

lets get eXistenZ!


The first thing that comes to mind after viewing this film. the second thing is... EWWWWW NASTY!! This sci-fi sickingly biological film really twists and turns your mind, pretty much freaked me out and i never want to play another video game again!! this movie was bassed around the story of the number 1 game creator in the world Allegra Geller (Jenifer Jason leigh). whilst that sounds all very well in good, its the way that the game is introduced. these are not your typical video games with a console, controler and computer or tv screen, oh no no no no no! this is a biological living organism which has a game programed within it! whislt that sounds gross thats not the worst part! that bit comes next, the controller of this game is well more familiar to you than you would think... ITS YOU! EWWW. BIO PORTS??? WHAT IS THIS WORLD COMING TO! a lil hole inserted into you spinal cord... deeply deeply disturbing much?
although i have no complaints with the male lead. Mr Jude Law, thanks mr stockwell for the two hours of eye candy! smiles all around over here!

The story begins with a select group of people triling Allegra's new game, eXistenZ. 7 lucky people form the audience were chosen, and as this apparently exciting thing is beginging (exciting for the lil game nerds not for me) another man walks through the door hopeing to experience this new and exciting level of virutal reality. goes through our No#1 security man, Mr Jude Law gets the all clear and sits in the front row watching in amazment. hold your upchuck reflex here kids, this bit gets ugly! as the "gamers" plug the living organism which also happens to be a game console into their own bodies (EWWWWW) The guy who just walked in pulls out the ugliest gun i have ever seen out of his own game console! EWWWW and it gets worse. he just screams DEATH TO THE GAME(something something) DEATH TO ALLEGRA GELLER! and shoots this chick. that kid then gets shot down, jude law grabs allegra and the gun and runs. (This gun by the way got through security becuase it was made of human parts, bones that is, with teeth for the bullets!...EWW)

On the run, they stop at a gas station, ruin jude laws rather good looking back by inserting a "bio-port" by the aparent freindly gas station attendent. then that kid try's to kill this allegra chick and so on and so on. she servives, he dies bla bla. lol gettin to the point of the film. When Allegra and Jude Law's character Ted Pikul finally first experience her game, all i can say is intense. was kind of on the edge of my seat just becuase i wanted to know what happened next! gross points here was Ted licking Allegra's bio-port....EWWW, eating these mutated anphibians and creating a gun out of their bones and shooting a chinese resteraunt waiter because he was the enemy, working on a production line with said anphibians, and then apparently waking up for the game.

After the ring around of playing the game or are we still playing the game, not only did the characters but i did also got lost in this alternate reality. Towards the end i did not know whether or not they were still in a game or real life. it apears in the final scene that Ted and Allegra where themselves game testers for a differant game, and in this game the characters that the played were programed to them. you can understand how i got lost. its pretty much like a game within a game within a game within a game and so on. at the end, i didnt even know what was what.

This film was an eye opener, i mean all these games, suporting alternate realities it shows how they can mess with peoples heads. Mind you (THANK GOD) that our technology is not as sick as that in eXistenZ, and we have not (And hopefully never will) create a biological game. Im quite happy with my playstation and my x-box (event though i dont play them anymore except for the occasional eye toy, sing star, or crash bandicoot.) It does pose the question, with society and technology today, can we get lost in the game? physically, mentally, spiritually be absorbed into an alternate world? i can understand why people play games like second life and so on. Creating a person you believe is beter than yourself is rather idea. but its no all you are. Im begining to think this topic will be the basis for my essay. so i think i shall leave it here for now so that my essay will still be some what of an ooooo and an ahhh for you to read.

untill next time bloggers, fish are friends not food!


I know how to use microsoft...DUH!

In this weeks tutorial we were asked to explore the wonders of word and excel! wow so exciting an new for me! ...NOT. whilst i respect the attempt to help those of us who study communication technologies, i took a computering class in highschool for 3 years, so the world of microsoft is not a new one for me! Headers, Footers, double line spacing, track changes, mail merge you name it bill gates has created it! aside from the rather shcimico!

And thats all i have to say about that!

so long and farewell bloggers!

Thursday, May 1, 2008

And so where the days of techonology

We begin our journey to another time with some inspiring words from Deleuze and Guattari, “Every abstract machine is linked to other abstract machines, not only because they are inseparably political, economy, scientific, artistic, ecological, cosmic – perceptive, affective, acting, thinking, physical, and semiotic- but because their carious types are as intertwined as their operations are convergent. Mechanosphere”. (A Thousand Plateaus) Brava I say to these gentlemen. Now if we will continue down this yellow brick road we may actually find out what the hell they meant. Today, we shall be focussing upon the major turning points throughout history which have made the internet what it is today. First Mr Charles Babbage, besides being known for liking cabbage, Mr Babbage was THE inventor of the first EVER digital computer (kudos Mr Babbage). Now we are not talking the high tech rather good looking, compact computers of our day. This was during the early 1800’s and was more of a massive mechanical machine rather than a digital computer. Sadly even though Babbage had created this grand and massive plan, no matter how much cash he had at his disposal it was not finished within his life time (everyone sigh). Even so, Babbage was I pioneer is what is now a thriving economy as well as an excellent source for information, technology, and communication.

Moving right along now we are about to explore Xerox PARC! (AHH-CHOO I here you say?) A ‘think-tank’ decided to make the computer more “user friendly” with the creation of the mouse, GUI (graphical user interface), and drop down menus and I bet that you have used some of this technology within the last 30 seconds. AMAZING XEROX!! And then further along the track during the late 70’s the thing that sits now in front of your face, yes that’s right your nose (NOT). The personal computer or PC as we like to refer it to was created and released to the public. Now whilst Xerox has like totally revolutionised like technology like today dude (PEACE) we thank god for the little nerds which he places upon this earth. Bill Gates, now known by his friends and Mr money bags, thought that he was too cool for uni, moved to the set of what is know more commonly known as the home of high school musical (Albuquerque New Mexico) and started writing a new language (Not cling-on) called BASIC. So that simple functions could be used on you PC. Things such as word processing (WOW I’m using that right now!), a few games (boy oh boy he has no idea what he has started….HELLO NERDS) and some basic accounting (because everyone wants a giant calculator). And what am I to call this he asked himself, Why Microsoft of course! Personally I don’t see what is so micro of soft about it but the kid is rich so what can you do!

Now please avoid from getting hungry during this next session. Whilst it may be nutritious, Apple is not your common fruit. These two strapping young boys Mr Steve Job’s and Mr Steve Wozniak (Steve and Steve, that cant be too hard to remember now can it kids?) invented Apple which began as a primordial and now prehistoric singular circuit board. And with the prospect of certain growth, expanded their now consumer product though the stages of I, II and II. At the age of 25, they were worth $100 million.

IBM, not it does not mean I BURP MEAN or INTRODUCTION TO BUTT MASSAGE, the actual definition is International Business Machine. Had the hardware (computers) but the software was something to be desired. So like anyone else with a gazillion dollars would do, you get the kid who invented easy to use software on board and expand not only his business but your own. Naw who’s a clever little company? You are yes you are! Hence now why Bill Gates is the richest man in the world, everyone knows what IBM and Microsoft is (well at least what the label looks like) and the world is now a thriving technological nuclear explosion which keeps repeating on itself much the same as Homer Simpsons dinner last night did.

During all this was happening there was the birth of the Internet (hallelujah, how else do you think I would be posting this blog? Snail mail? I don’t think so! The internet is a network of networks a little confusing yes, but really not so much. These networks include servers, mainframes, and personal computers (which we now know as PC’s). And they all lived together in a lil row boat, quack quack! A particular use of the interned is the WWW (World Wide Web) No I am not talking about a web that included charlotte however it Is some pretty radiant and humble thing. Whilst we are here I must stress that THE INTERNET IS NOT THE SAME THING AS THE WEB! Basically the connection of the two means that everyone who has access to the internet and a computer can connect with anyone, anywhere in the world. Right now I could be talking to some Sherpa in Nepal about his recent ice fishing expedition but instead I’m writing this blog. I need to get my priorities in order. Plus Kudos to Mr Lecturer with the showing of the rather educational film which was consequently a cartoon which was great for me to better understand the internet. So Thanks to the following people, Mr Babbage Cabbage for his invention which had definitely shaped the world in which we live in, the Xerox team, for my mouse and pop up menus, our good friends Steve and Steve for their brilliant food related personally accessible computing device, Mr Bill Gates for being Mr Smarty pants, his mircosoftness and now his money, IBM for wanting to expand this thriving technology and to you good people for reading this blog and supporting everything which these people have created. You deserve a pat on the back, GO YOU!

So now we know what was meant to be my brief interpretation of the history is not a thousand words of how I wish to understand what that lecture meant. So now all there is, is to post this blog, and to keep on supporting this technology, it’s growth and expansion throughout the world and the beauty of it all.

Until next week bloggers, respect your computers, you have no idea what they have been through to get here. PEACE MAN TOTALLY!
