Thursday, April 10, 2008

We're going on a Google hunt!

We’re going on a Google hunt!

Greetings fellow bloggers join me this week for the exciting adventures of SEARCH ENGINES. Now there are some rules that we must follow and these include : NO WIKIPEDIA OR GOOGLE!. Otherwise do not pass go do not collect $200. answer the questions given to you and provide the appropriate search engine you used. Are you ready? On your markie’s, grab your car keys, GO.

Question 1: who was the creator of the infamous ‘love bug’ computer virus?

Onel de Guzman! (Sneaky sneaky man, all he wanted was to share the love)

Question 2: who invented the paperclip?

Johan Vaaler 1899 Norway! (Thanks Johan, now I know that my papers can stay firmly clasped together without hesitation or worry)

Question 3: How did the Ebola Virus get its name?

Question 4: What country had the largest ever recorded earthquake?

Chili 1960, it reached 9.5 on the Richter scale! (Talk about a bumpy ride)

Question 5: In computer memory storage terms, how many kilobytes are in a terabyte?


Question 6: Who was the creator of email?

Ray Tomlinson 1971 (thanks Tom! You have made the world a better place with the spread of spam and virus’ the world over! Kudos man)

Question 7: What is the storm worm? And how many computers were infected by it?

The Storm worm was not just a normal computer worm; it was more like a worm, Trojan, and bot all rolled into one. It disguised itself as a news article hiding in email attachments stating ‘230 dead as storm takes Europe’. The storm worm was estimated to have infected between 1 million and 50 million computers. (No comment)

Question 8: If you wanted to contact the Prime minister of Australia directly, what is the most efficient way?

The Hon Kevin Rudd MP
Prime minister
Parliament House
(You have to love K-Rudd!)

Question 9: Which Brisbane based punk band is Stephen Stockwell (head of school of arts) apart of?

Black assassins. (Go Stephen, rock on buddy!)

Question 10: What doest the term ‘Web 2.0’ means in your words?

A controlled economically effective one of a kind data source. which software is above the level of a single device. (Really really confusing!)

TADA!! We did it! we did it! we did it! YAY! that was not too hard, though right now i am missing google, im not used to all these unfamilliar search engines, its like dorothy walking through the woods with a scarecrow a tin man and a rather timid dog screaming "LIONS AND TIGERS AND BEARS OH MY"! But now that i have seen that the lion is just a cowardly small insignificant creature i can now rest alot eaiser at night.

Keep it real New Com Tech Bloggers!
there's no place like home!

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