Thursday, May 1, 2008

And so where the days of techonology

We begin our journey to another time with some inspiring words from Deleuze and Guattari, “Every abstract machine is linked to other abstract machines, not only because they are inseparably political, economy, scientific, artistic, ecological, cosmic – perceptive, affective, acting, thinking, physical, and semiotic- but because their carious types are as intertwined as their operations are convergent. Mechanosphere”. (A Thousand Plateaus) Brava I say to these gentlemen. Now if we will continue down this yellow brick road we may actually find out what the hell they meant. Today, we shall be focussing upon the major turning points throughout history which have made the internet what it is today. First Mr Charles Babbage, besides being known for liking cabbage, Mr Babbage was THE inventor of the first EVER digital computer (kudos Mr Babbage). Now we are not talking the high tech rather good looking, compact computers of our day. This was during the early 1800’s and was more of a massive mechanical machine rather than a digital computer. Sadly even though Babbage had created this grand and massive plan, no matter how much cash he had at his disposal it was not finished within his life time (everyone sigh). Even so, Babbage was I pioneer is what is now a thriving economy as well as an excellent source for information, technology, and communication.

Moving right along now we are about to explore Xerox PARC! (AHH-CHOO I here you say?) A ‘think-tank’ decided to make the computer more “user friendly” with the creation of the mouse, GUI (graphical user interface), and drop down menus and I bet that you have used some of this technology within the last 30 seconds. AMAZING XEROX!! And then further along the track during the late 70’s the thing that sits now in front of your face, yes that’s right your nose (NOT). The personal computer or PC as we like to refer it to was created and released to the public. Now whilst Xerox has like totally revolutionised like technology like today dude (PEACE) we thank god for the little nerds which he places upon this earth. Bill Gates, now known by his friends and Mr money bags, thought that he was too cool for uni, moved to the set of what is know more commonly known as the home of high school musical (Albuquerque New Mexico) and started writing a new language (Not cling-on) called BASIC. So that simple functions could be used on you PC. Things such as word processing (WOW I’m using that right now!), a few games (boy oh boy he has no idea what he has started….HELLO NERDS) and some basic accounting (because everyone wants a giant calculator). And what am I to call this he asked himself, Why Microsoft of course! Personally I don’t see what is so micro of soft about it but the kid is rich so what can you do!

Now please avoid from getting hungry during this next session. Whilst it may be nutritious, Apple is not your common fruit. These two strapping young boys Mr Steve Job’s and Mr Steve Wozniak (Steve and Steve, that cant be too hard to remember now can it kids?) invented Apple which began as a primordial and now prehistoric singular circuit board. And with the prospect of certain growth, expanded their now consumer product though the stages of I, II and II. At the age of 25, they were worth $100 million.

IBM, not it does not mean I BURP MEAN or INTRODUCTION TO BUTT MASSAGE, the actual definition is International Business Machine. Had the hardware (computers) but the software was something to be desired. So like anyone else with a gazillion dollars would do, you get the kid who invented easy to use software on board and expand not only his business but your own. Naw who’s a clever little company? You are yes you are! Hence now why Bill Gates is the richest man in the world, everyone knows what IBM and Microsoft is (well at least what the label looks like) and the world is now a thriving technological nuclear explosion which keeps repeating on itself much the same as Homer Simpsons dinner last night did.

During all this was happening there was the birth of the Internet (hallelujah, how else do you think I would be posting this blog? Snail mail? I don’t think so! The internet is a network of networks a little confusing yes, but really not so much. These networks include servers, mainframes, and personal computers (which we now know as PC’s). And they all lived together in a lil row boat, quack quack! A particular use of the interned is the WWW (World Wide Web) No I am not talking about a web that included charlotte however it Is some pretty radiant and humble thing. Whilst we are here I must stress that THE INTERNET IS NOT THE SAME THING AS THE WEB! Basically the connection of the two means that everyone who has access to the internet and a computer can connect with anyone, anywhere in the world. Right now I could be talking to some Sherpa in Nepal about his recent ice fishing expedition but instead I’m writing this blog. I need to get my priorities in order. Plus Kudos to Mr Lecturer with the showing of the rather educational film which was consequently a cartoon which was great for me to better understand the internet. So Thanks to the following people, Mr Babbage Cabbage for his invention which had definitely shaped the world in which we live in, the Xerox team, for my mouse and pop up menus, our good friends Steve and Steve for their brilliant food related personally accessible computing device, Mr Bill Gates for being Mr Smarty pants, his mircosoftness and now his money, IBM for wanting to expand this thriving technology and to you good people for reading this blog and supporting everything which these people have created. You deserve a pat on the back, GO YOU!

So now we know what was meant to be my brief interpretation of the history is not a thousand words of how I wish to understand what that lecture meant. So now all there is, is to post this blog, and to keep on supporting this technology, it’s growth and expansion throughout the world and the beauty of it all.

Until next week bloggers, respect your computers, you have no idea what they have been through to get here. PEACE MAN TOTALLY!


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